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Singing Mamas On Prescription

with Rachel Ramsay

What is Singing Mamas On Prescription?

Singing Mamas on Prescription ('SMOP') groups are designed for women who are pregnant or have a baby under 1 year, specifically to support their perinatal mental health. SMOP groups are fully funded, so that it is free for women (and their infants) to attend. Sometimes women are referred to these groups by a health practitioner (e.g. midwife, GP or social prescriber), but it is often possible to self-refer if you meet the criteria. 
Singing is proven to improve mood, reduce anxiety and increase parent-infant bond. You don't need any musical ability to join our groups and your baby will love the sound of your voice (even if you don't!). 

Medway SMOP

- FREE 8 week course for pregnant women and women with babies under 1

- Courses running in Chatham, Strood, Gillingham & Wayfield - see details below

- You should commit to the full 8 weeks to get the most benefit for your mental health and wellbeing

About Medway Leader,

Rachel Ramsay

Rachel has been leading Singing Mamas groups for over five years. She was the project manager on Singing Mamas' groundbreaking pilot with Neonatal units in Kent and has worked on previous SMOP groups in Medway. Rachel is looking forward to meeting mums and mums-to-be in Medway and sharing the benefits of singing for wellbeing.

Chatham Family Hub

Wednesdays: 9.30-11.00am
18 September – 13 November (no session 23 Oct)
Wednesdays 9.30-11.00am
5 February – 2 April (no session 19 Feb)
Magpie Hall Road

Strood Family Hub

Tuesdays 1.00-2.30pm 
1 October – 26 November (no session 22 Oct)
Tuesdays 1.00-2.30pm
21 January – 18 March (no session 18 Feb)
Clifton Close

Gillingham Family Hub

Fridays 10.00-11.30am
10 January – 7 March (no session 21 Feb)
Tuesdays 10.00-11.30am
6 May – 1 July (no session 27 May)
Woodlands Road

Wayfield Family Hub

Fridays 10.00-11.30am
1 November – 20 December
Fridays 10.00-11.30am
25 April – 20 June (no session 30 May)
Wayfield Road

Register for this programme below

If you have any questions you can contact Rachel directly at [email protected] or by phone 0772 4466064. Otherwise please book your place via the form below.

Book your place
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(*We try to make sure that all Singing Mamas venues have wheelchair access as standard, but because we work in community settings this isn't always possible. If you or your child(ren) have any mobility or access needs please let us know when you book your taster and we'll do everything we can to accommodate)